Wednesday 21 September
2.00pm - 7.30pm

The session at Winnington Park Recreation Club is being hosted by the Environment Agency, Health and Safety Executive, Oil and Gas Authority and Public Health England.
Chemicals company INEOS holds licences to explore for shale gas in areas of the UK, including Cheshire, the licence area including Northwich, Winsford and Knutsford.

“Staff from the regulators and agencies will be attending an informal information session to explain how the oil and gas industry is regulated,” said Berni Shaw from the Environment Agency.
“It will also explain how the environment and people’s health are protected.”

“Communities rightly look to us to provide information on how health and environmental risks are being controlled and managed properly, and to hold oil and gas operators to account.
“This session will be a great opportunity for us to meet with people, explain our respective roles and discuss some of the key issues before sites are identified for development.”

The Environment Agency issues environmental permits for onshore oil and gas exploration.
Licences for onshore gas exploration are granted by the Oil and Gas Authority.
Safety on the drilling site, including well integrity, is regulated by the Health and Safety Executive.

(Taken Northwich Guardian on 27 August 2016)